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日期:2023年07月30日 13:24 浏览量:1

When and How to Express Time in English

1. What is the usual structure to express time in English?


The usual structure to express time in English is "hour : minute," for example, 3:30.

2. When to use "a.m." and "p.m."?


Use "a.m." to refer to the period of time from midnight to noon. Use "p.m." to refer to the period of time from noon to midnight.

3. How to express quarter and half past the hour?


To express quarter past the hour, use "quarter past" plus the hour. For example, 4:15 can be expressed as "quarter past four." To express half past the hour, use "half past" plus the hour. For example, 6:30 can be expressed as "half past six."

4. How to express quarter to or before the hour?

To express quarter to or before the hour, use "quarter to" or "quarter before" plus the next hour. For example, 7:45 can be expressed as "quarter to eight" or "quarter before eight."

5. How to express time with the 24-hour clock?

To use the 24-hour clock, simply add the hour to the minute. For example, 7:00 p.m. can be expressed as "19:00" in the 24-hour clock.

6. Are there any variations in expressing time in different English-speaking countries?

Yes, there are some variations. For example, in the United States, it is common to use "a.m." and "p.m." to express time, while in the United Kingdom, it is common to use "in the morning," "in the afternoon," "in the evening," and "at night."

In conclusion, expressing time in English is a fundamental skill for effective communication. By mastering the basic structures and variations, you can avoid confusion and miscommunication in different situations.


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标签: time hour english

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